1. Find the time to work - it is the price of success.
2. Find the time to think - it is a source of strength.
3. Find the time to play - it is the secret of youth.
4. Find the time to read – it is the basis of knowledge.
5. Find the time for religion – it is the path of piety.
6. Find the time for friendship – it is a source of happiness.
7. Find the time to love - is a sacred gift of life.
8. Find the time to dream - just so the soul reaches the stars.
9. Find the time to laugh - it will help you cope with the difficulties of life.
10. Find the time for beauty - it is everywhere.
11. Find the time for your health - it is the only treasure life.
12. Find the time to plan - this is the secret of how to find time for all previous 11 things.